WijatmikoSaragih: February 2021

Sunday, February 14, 2021

A story of Life

 A Story of Life

Every people have many stories of their life. Maybe it's about the story of the study, a job, or about love. About the study, maybe they have finished their school, bachelor, or Master, and Ph.D. Education is very important for life. If we don't have an education maybe we can't know to talk, read, and understand everything. So, every people from they born to this world must have an education. First education obtained from parents. Our parents are the first teacher of us. They teach us how to walk, eat and speak. Every day and every time our parents give their time to learn us about all. So we must forget about their dedication to us. The next education we can get it's from our teacher in school. Our Teacher in primary school teaches us about how to writing, reading, and counting. They have the patient to teach us about all. We know about the alphabet, number, and mathematical symbol. The next education after we have finished primary school is an education in junior high school in Indonesia we can say Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP). In junior high school, we start to study not about how to reading, writing, etc. We study physics, biology, mathematics, geography, sociology, English, and others. But it's only basic knowledge. for example, we study multiplication, integral, or physics formula. The next study after we have finished junior high school, we will study at Senior High School. In senior high school, we must choose we want to focus study about the natural sciences or social sciences. If we choose natural sciences we don't study geography, sociology, or economy. we focus to learn about physics, biology, mathematics, chemistry. selection of subject major in senior high school will determine our next education in college. At college, we will focus only on our major. For example, in university, we choose to study meteorology, then we focus study only on meteorology. another lesson is only complimentary. So in senior high school, you must have a choice to focus about you want to learn. If you finish your education in university you will have a bachelor's degree. Your degree will same as the major in college. For example, you study science, then your bachelor's degree is S.Si (in Indonesia). Usually, people after finish college will find a job. They can apply to work in the government department, private company, or they can be an entrepreneur. But, a few people choose to continue studying to take a master's degree. To take a Master's degree we must take the university selection. one of the terms we must have a bachelor's certificate. The costs to take a master's degree is not cheap. So we can take a scholarship. Anyway, about a scholarship, we can find it on the internet. A country, a government, a university usually provide scholarship. So we can try to apply for the scholarship. Indonesia has many government scholarships, for example LDPD (Lembaga Pengelolan Dana Pendidikan). Another country also has scholarships for students who want to study overseas. for example, Turkey Country gives a scholarship to another student in Asia or Europe. The name scholarship name is Turkiye Scholarship Buslari. ( btw, I try to apply for this scholarship :) ). We must make an account on their website and then we will fill the form. The form about our identity, our education, and others. And we must have a letter of recommendation from our lecture or people who know us deeply. And then we will choose our target university and our major. Also, we must write our letter of intent and our mini-thesis. And if we meet the initial requirements. I hope can take this scholarship and other scholarship abroad.

I think enough for this topic about a story life. Thank you for reading this article. Hope you enjoy!! 

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